I can assure you that I never intended this blog to fall into such a state of disrepair and abandonment that it became nothing more than a dumping ground for my increasingly late year end wrap ups, but that is apparently what has happened. Believe me, dear hypothetical reader, I'm as disappointed about that as you are. While I'm not naive enough to think this is the time for a grand declaration of renewed promises to fill this daily with scintillating new content, I do want to put an intention into the universe that I will return to more regular posting - if for no better reason to give myself a creative outlet and to goose myself towards working on the craft of writing.
I probably will get my best of 2018 and 2019 lists up at some point, but in massively diminished form, likely just a list without any meta commentary, video links or images. Those are all nice but I fear providing them all for the backlog of two years feels like so much more busy work on my plate. I'm much more interested in getting the actual contents of the lists up for posterity's sake.
There are no grand plans for what I will do in this space, no overarching project or themes, but there are multiple things floating through my head that I would like to expand on over time. Again, if for nothing more than getting back into the process of writing and sharpening my skills on that front.
For now, however many people may even bother to check back in here, I hope you are holding up as well as possible in the year of 2020 and I hope to continue filling this space with interesting thoughts and ideas very soon.
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