np: "Rocket USA (Peel Session)" - Loop
Given the less than two weeks remaining until taking my next section of the ARE, studying has ramped up to a furious pace and the ol' blog has fallen by the wayside. I know you've been disappointed to click on a link and seeing the Wilco album cover again and again and again (especially if you don't like Wilco), so I figured I'd brighten up your time wasting session by dropping another list on you. Enjoy. Oh yeah, be on the lookout for a special feature for via//chicago post #500!
Songs that have been enthralling me lately:
"Straight To Your Heart (Peel Session)" - Loop (found on 2-disc Heaven's End reissue)
Just an absolutely killer version of an already killer song by a band that has become somewhat of an obsession for me in the past several months. I highly recommend tracking down all four of the reissues of this band's catalog.
"Sing Swan Song" - Can (found on Ege Bamyasi)
Been on a bit of a Can kick this week after discovering some great new (to me) jams from the band's latter days and solo projects thanks to one of my favorite blogs, Musicophilia. Anyway, this is a classic track that never does me wrong.
"Folk Wisdom" - Oneida (found on Rated O)
One of the many highlights from this band's latest triple(!!)-disc release. This album is sure to place high in my end of year rankings.
"Unbreakable" - Michael Jackson (found on Invincible)
Seriously. I'd never even heard this entire album before now, but its not awful! The ballad heavy second-half is a bit of a slog, but the first half is filled with some stellar production from the turn of the century.
"I Want You To Know" - Dinosaur Jr (found on Farm)
Oh Lou and J, so glad you patched things up. This has been one hell of a comeback!
"Sleestak Lightning" - Clutch (found on Strange Cousins From the West)
Such a great, energetic rock tune. You don't even need to appreciate the band to dig this song.
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