Jul 1, 2003

np: "my paper heart" - the all-american rejects
yeah, i like this album. no really, i do. it's like emo gone sugar-coated pop and there ain't nuttin' wrong with that. not overly whiny, no ridiculous lyrics... ok, yes there is, but not THAT bad. it's just a decent album for listening to on a nice summer evening such as this. i'm in too good of a mood to let something depressing take me down, and i don't want anything particularly challenging right now. i listened to the Mars Volta twice in the car on the way to and from a meeting today, i need to give my brain some rest time. i mean:

Cursed are they who speak its name
Ruse of metacarpi
Caveat emptor to all that enter here
Exoskeletal junction at the railroad delayed
Exoskeletal junction at the railroad delayed

come on. that's some $5 word using right there. not to take anything away from it, but i'll be very glad when they release the book that's going to explain the concept behind the album. i know it has to do with a friend of the band that died some years ago, but i want to dig a little deeper. lyrics courtesy of the comatorium.

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