Jun 10, 2003

np: "paperbag writer" - radiohead
one of the few bands out there that still manages to blow me away with the B-sides. the two on the There There single are no exception. i've been listening to all of my Radiohead B-sides tonight, simply amazing. does Thom ever write a throwaway song?
in honor of Radiohead B-sides.. here's a list of my favorite bands with the best B-sides, in no particular order.

Radiohead - word.
Smashing Pumpkins - The Aeroplane Flies High box set alone attests to this, some of the best Corgan-penned tracks ever haven't seen an album yet.
Oasis - one of those bands that doesn't waste the B-sides on complete crap. also the only band that i have bought every import single they have ever put out. the tracks have been getting slimmer with each succesive album, but there is still some amazing songs buried on the flipside.
Ride - another one of my obsessions lately, these guys put out some pretty excellent B-sides.
Blur - also a very talented B-sides band, but they tend to get a little more experimental on those tracks. rarely is it a bad thing though.

i'm sure there are a few more i am forgetting, but that's a pretty decent list right there.

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