np: "Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box" - Radiohead
snow still sucks. we got like 6 inches last night, making for yet another miserable drive home. but it's all good now. i'm off to Champaign for the next two days for a career fair for work. should be fun to head back down to the old stomping grounds for a bit. hopefully see a couple friends i haven't seen in awhile. the rough part is going to be getting up at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow morning to leave for the damn thing. that's not gonna be fun...
but, i have good things to look forward to when i get back. K called last night and definately wants to get together again this weekend. which is awesome. i was kind of worried that i wouldn't hear from her after the first substantial date we had, but the fact that she called and wants to see me again; well i'll take that as a good sign. i think i could really see myself falling hard for her, so i better be a little careful.
onto music related topics. a friend of mine called Coldplay "the new Radiohead" last night. yeah. before you react though, you have to realize that this girl rarely ventures outside the Top 40 pop and hip-hop. for her to get all excited about Coldplay is actually a pretty bnig step. but then again, i doubt she could name 5 Radiohead songs if she was pressed, so i'm guessing she just read that tag somewhere and decided she'd try to impress me with it. i'll give her points for trying. but that's about it. it's so cute when she tries things like that.
i hate hipsters. i hate the whole hipster irony bullshit. i was checking out a message board this week and got simply crucified for being into Pavement. yet the same ones persecuting me were hailing fucking Huey Lewis as an underrated pop genius. christ. sometimes i think they need to send out a memo to let the rest of us know what's going to be considered "hip" that week. just so we can keep up. yes, i do like Wilco AND Dashboard. yes, i do like The Clash AND Rancid. yes, i do like The Microphones AND Smashing Pumpkins. guess i'm just not hip enough. ouch.
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