May 1, 2008

np: "Little Bit of Feel Good" - Jamie Lidell

Oh man, this is a fantastic track. I was a big fan of his 2005 album, Multiply, but even the highest highs reached by that disc's "A Little Bit More" (yes, that one from the Target commercial) and the title track can't touch this song. Probably the closest a skinny British white boy will ever come to recreating the classic Motown vibe. And honestly, the funkiness of this song has nothing to do with his vocals. It's all about that slinky bass line and the sexy as hell horns. This thing is rocketing straight to the upper heights of my favorites singles of the year so far. The album it comes from, Jim, isn't half bad either.

Jamie Lidell - "Little Bit of Feel Good"

I noticed I never got the direct link to my Be Your Own Pet review working on last night's post, so there you go. Another review of mine has since popped up on the site, a self-released EP by the Alabama band Wild Sweet Orange. A few promising tunes hint at good things ahead on their forthcoming full-length, provided they accentuate the things they've really got working for them. A few more thoughts can be found here.

The albums have really been stacking up on me lately, I need to put in some quality listening time this weekend. You'll be sure to read more about the good, and maybe the bad, stuff that greets my ears.

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