np: "how to disappear completely" - radiohead
how much more psyched could i be about Hail to the Thief? answer - not much. i tried to hold out on listening to the leaked tracks, but i failed miserably. and despite having already listened to it numerous times, i'll still be heading out to pick it up tomorrow. i haven't been this excited for a new release since the Zwan album back in January. i've talked to a couple 'Head fans who have said they are disappointed in this album. how? are they even listening to the same album? maybe it's not as "experimental" as Kid A or Amnesiac, but lyrically i think Thom is at the top of his game. the themes and imagery on this album create such a sense of paranoia and gloom that i can't help but be enveloped by it every time i listen. i'm a big fan of the album already.
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